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New Link to free adult beginner piano course & new piano group

Hi everybody, I'm hoping within the next 3 to 4 days. I'll be finished with the migration process to the new platform hopefully my transparency has made it seamless. If any of you wanna join the free piano course, (on my platform) here's the link:

The new piano group already has 100 members which is exciting! Here's the link for that if you choose to join:

This post is from a suggested group

Changes are happening..

Hello everyone! By now some of you received an email with a video message or maybe you saw posted in this group. However, if you're reading this for the first time, I wasn't planning to change platforms, but after I started this group, I had major problems with this platform. Therefore, the newest active group can be reached here:

I hope all considered joining. There's already comments before I even started a thread. Wish you well take care, Jim.

John Lash
John Lash
Nov 19

Remember, "The only constant is CHANGE!"

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James Johnson

yesterday ยท posted in Piano Progression for Adult Beginners & Beyond!

Changes are happening..

Hello everyone! By now some of you received an email with a video message or maybe you saw posted in this group. However, if you're reading this for the first time, I wasn't planning to change platforms, but after I started this group, I had major problems with this platform. Therefore, the newest active group can be reached here:

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Hi Everyone! Here's a video explaining my current situation, thought it would work out hence why I started this group.

John Lash
John Lash
Nov 19

Hang in there guys. All things come to those who are persistant and patient. God Bless

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Big announcement coming soon!

Hi everyone, a week ago I came across a major problem with the website platform I'm using and soon I'll share with all of you my new platform with web address!

Sorry for the inconvenience, but will share with why I had to do this and how frustrating it's been for the past 3 years..

Long-term this will be well worth it, but in the short term this has been quite a feat for me to do...

Thank everyone for their patience!

John Lash
John Lash
Nov 18

We will be here waiting for your announcment. Good Luck!

This post is from a suggested group

Busy days ahead, but gotta play

Hi everyone, when ife gets busy. It's more important to just get to the piano for a few minutes and play. Helps the mind and keeps the fingers going :-) today's menu I'm gonna play through Bach prelude in C. Just because they're 16 notes doesn't mean I'm gonna play fast ;-)

This post is from a suggested group
This post is from a suggested group
This post is from a suggested group

Anyone have a favorite song or piece they're working on?

John Lash
John Lash
Nov 13

Hallelujah and Pachebel's Canon in D

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